Dewdrop E

Dewdrop : Hardy and Kelson (Kelson).
Tag : Gold twist and yellow silk.
Tail : A topping and jungle (point).
Butt : Black herl, followed by six turns of the gold twist used for tag.
Body : In two sections; No.1 yellow silk to centre, ribbed with gold oval tinsel (fine) put on each side of a rib
           of black silk; butted with toucan above and below, and black herl; No.2 Black silk, ribbed with gold oval
           tinsel (fine), put on each side of a rib of yellow silk.
Throat : Light blue hackle and jay.
Wings : One tippet, backed with red back feather of golden pheasant; veiled with teal, light and dark bustard,
            peacock wing, gallina: Mallard and topping.
Sides : Jungle.
Cheeks : Indian Crow and Chatterer.
Horns : Blue macaw.