Lion E

Lion : Hardy and Kelson (Wright).

Tag : Silver twist and yellow silk.
Tail : A topping.
Butt : Black herl.
Body : Silver tinsel (flat), ono fifth part at the throat being
reserved for scarlet seal's fur.
Ribs : Silver tinsel (oval).
Hackle : Natural black, from second turn.
Throat : Gallina.
Wings : Tippet, sword feather of golden pheasant, and peacock
herl, in strands. Yellow macaw, red macaw, bustard,
golden pheasant tail, teal, gallina, mallard and a topping.
Sides : Jungle.
Horns : Blue macaw.
Head : Black wool.


Lion : Francis Francis. 1867.
Tag : Embossed silver tinsel and ruby floss.
Tail : A topping.
Butt : Black herl.
Body : Embossed silver tinsel, showing a few thin rings of pale green floss between.
Throat : Longish black Heron.
Wings : Fibres of Peacock, brown Mallard, oinkish stained grey Mallard, tippet, and Gallina. Two toppings set apart like wings.
Horns : Blue Macaw.