F.F.for the Awe + Orchy E

The following flies are listed in Francis Francis's book " A Book On Angling" from 1867.
For the river AWE and the river ORCHY :
No.1 : This fly is almost the same as the No.1 Conon fly. The difference is The orange wool is near the head instead of
           at the tail. The JC is wanting.
Tag : Two turns of silver tinsel.
Tail : A topping and some sprigs of tippet.
Body : Yellow Pig's wool half way up, and remaining half with medium (inclining to light) blue Pig's wool. Near the head
one turn of bright orange Pig's wool.; body rough and well picked out.
Ribs : Broad silver tinsel.
Throat : Black, pritty thick.
Wings : Bright mottled Peacock.
Sides : Shortish Jungle Cock, rather better that half the length of the wing.